Joint Statement: College and University Trustees and Regents Must Join Peers in Committing to Institutional Neutrality

July 11, 2024

The Academic Freedom Alliance, Heterodox Academy, and the Foundation for Individual Rights and Expression are nonpartisan organizations dedicated to defending and advancing freedom of speech and open inquiry in higher education.

In February 2024, we issued an open letter to college and university trustees and regents, urging them to adopt institutional neutrality policies on political and social issues that do not concern core academic matters or institutional operations. We asked universities to make this commitment by Sept. 1 so it is in place when the new academic year begins.

In response to the events on October 7, campuses saw protests, tent encampments, and speaker shoutdowns at colleges and universities across the country. Many institutions responded to this tumult by releasing messages expressing solidarity with one cause or another. But this didn’t — and doesn’t — work.

University leaders learned the importance of institutional neutrality firsthand this year: Taking official political positions pleases few and alienates many while establishing campus orthodoxies. In doing so, it threatens the pursuit of knowledge for which higher education exists.

Some universities, no doubt chastened by experience, have done what we urged them to do and adopted the principle of institutional neutrality on disputed political issues. These include prestigious universities such as Harvard, Stanford, Syracuse, and Purdue.

By committing to the principles of institutional neutrality, these universities signal their dedication to debate, diversity of opinion, and the pursuit of knowledge. They also protect themselves from accusations of political bias and disincentivize outside forces from pressuring them to take sides on complex political problems on behalf of the entire campus community. These schools are choosing, as the University of Chicago’s 1967 “Kalven Report” states, to act as the “home and sponsor of critics” rather than the critic itself and building an arena for students and faculty to debate the issues of the day.

We encourage colleges and universities that have yet to make this commitment to consider doing so now, before students return to campus in the fall.

Please note that by “institutional neutrality” we mean something specific — not neutrality about the university's commitment to defending its mission and its values of free inquiry. We mean the university should remain neutral on contested political and moral issues of the day, precisely in order to make space for scholars and students to weigh in on those issues as individuals.

Navigating today's polarized climate requires a steadfast commitment to institutional neutrality of the sort described in the Kalven Report. It is urgent for university leaders to seize this opportunity to uphold academic freedom and preserve the university as a bastion of open inquiry.

We stand ready to support universities in their pursuit of institutional neutrality and assist those that have pledged to stay true to their principles.

An Open Letter to College and University Trustees and Regents: It’s Time to Adopt Institutional Neutrality

February 7, 2024

The Academic Freedom Alliance, Heterodox Academy, and the Foundation for Individual Rights and Expression are nonpartisan organizations dedicated to defending and advancing freedom of speech and open inquiry in higher education.

We stand together in sending this entreaty to college and university trustees and regents across the country during this time of growing national concern about the fate and security of free thought on campuses.

It is time for those entrusted with ultimate oversight authority for your institutions to restore truth-seeking as the primary mission of higher education by adopting a policy of institutional neutrality on social and political issues that do not concern core academic matters or institutional operations.

In recent years, colleges and universities have increasingly weighed in on social and political issues. This has led our institutions of higher education to become politicized and has created an untenable situation whereby they are expected to weigh in on all social and political issues.

Most critically, these stances risk establishing an orthodox view on campus, threatening the pursuit of knowledge for which higher education exists.

As the University of Chicago’s famous Kalven Report of 1967 states, a policy of institutional neutrality is premised on the defining mission of the university: to pursue truth through “the discovery, improvement, and dissemination of knowledge.” And to accomplish this mission, “a university must sustain an extraordinary environment of freedom of inquiry and maintain an independence from political fashions, passions, and pressures.”

Furthermore, the report recognizes, “There is no mechanism by which [the university] can reach a collective position without inhibiting that full freedom of dissent on which it thrives.” In short, individual faculty members and students are the “instrument of dissent and criticism.” The university, on the other hand, “is the home and sponsor of critics.”

Where to draw the line between institutional neutrality and position-taking is a matter of careful prudential judgment. But, as the Kalven Report notes, there should be “a heavy presumption against the university taking collective action or expressing opinions on the political and social issues of the day.” Smart observers will recognize good faith efforts to apply this principle.

A useful maxim to guide decision makers is “if an academic institution is not required to adopt a position in order to fulfill its mission of intellectual freedom or operational capacity, it is required not to adopt a position.” (See, e.g., Princeton Principles for a Campus Culture of Free Inquiry.)

For a neutrality principle to work, it must be publicly announced and adhered to on a consistent and faithful basis. Making an exception inexorably leads to pressure to make others and to allegations of bias.

Critically, institutional neutrality applies only to leaders and units of the institution. This is true not only for the central administration, but also for the units of the university, such as schools, departments, centers, and programs. It does not apply to faculty members and students (i.e., the “critics”), either individually or as members of voluntary, non-institutional associations.

Given the need to prepare for the execution of an institutional neutrality policy, we call on you, the trustees and regents of America’s colleges and universities, to publicly adopt such a policy by the beginning of the 2024-25 academic year.

We and the nation are watching campus events with keen interest and would applaud this fulfillment of your fiduciary duty.

Stay involved with the fight for institutional neutrality